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FREEZING WEATHER REMINDER: West Allen Parish Water District would like to remind its customers to protect your water piping from the upcoming freezing weather through the next few days of cold weather. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
• Drip your faucets to prevent freezing, but it you let a faucet run, keep in mind that you can put a strain on the water system due to many people doing the same thing. A drip is all you need to get the job done. Did you know that many people think that the hot summer is the peak water usage time, but it is actually the winter time when it is freezing due to dripping faucets and broken water lines. A faucet dripping at 1/8 a gallon a minute equates to 180 gallons of water a day which can add up when you have 1,150 customers doing the same thing.
• Open your cabinets below your kitchen sink or anywhere your water supply is on an outside wall and just that little bit of extra heat can make a difference.
• As the freeze starts to thaw, check your piping for leaks before you phone the water district. The water district cannot fix leaks on your side of the meter. Another way to check for leaks is by looking at your water meter to see if there are any dials moving which will indicate water moving through the meter.
West Allen Parish Water District employees have been working this week to protect the distribution system in order to avoid disruptions in your water service and we ask that you help us keep everyone in water by doing your part to protect your pipes and being conservative when allowing them to drip.
If you see a leak on the public water supply mains, please report it to the proper people, the water district. You can reach us at 337-749-2589 or 337-603-8097. Stay warm and safe.