High Water Bill/Leak Adjustment Information

The unforeseen always happens.  Our customers inveribly at some point and time have a leak on their side of their water meter and incur a high water bill.   The Attorney General's Office has issued several opinions in the past regarding a water districts ability to adjust water bills for the customer.  The AG states that in accordance with LA. Const. Art VII, Sec. 1, Section 14 (A), "Prohibited Uses.  Except as otherwise provided by this constituation, the funds, credit, property, or things of value of the that or of any policitical subdivision shall not be loaned, pledged, or donated to or for any person, association, or corporation, public or private." and that "the District may not reduce, set aside or adjust downwards a particular resident's utility bill absent any error on the part of the District."  Please take the time to read the full opinion attached below. This is just one of many opinions issued which tell us that legally, we cannot adjust a water bill. 

Fortunately, however, West Allen has a high water bill payment plan option to help in these instances.  The bill must be more than three times your normal bill and range anywhere from $100 and up and payments plans can extend anywhere from 3 - 18 months depending on the policy.  

If you should have a leak and incur a high water bill, please call our office staff so that they can review your high bill to determine if you are eligible for the payment plan and provide the necessary information according to the high bill payment plan policy guidelines.  We are always happy to try and help in these situations.  

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