In compliance with the Red Flag Rule, all accounts must be updated to reflect the correct name of the person/persons who live at the address of the deceased customer’s home and who are responsible for payment of the water bill at that location.
Appropriate paperwork must be filled out (Water User’s Agreement) and a copy of the death certificate and proof of ownership (succession or donation), or written permission by the heir(s) provided. A copy of the family member’s driver’s license will also be required.
For a family member. (Family members are immediate family members such as: surviving spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, grandparent, brother or sister). There will be no charge to change the name on the account.
For a non-family member/non-heir, the normal fees and paperwork will be required.
For example:
- For a current customer who is paying their deceased parents’ water bill ~they must show that they are now the person responsible for the account. If there are multiple heirs to the property, then all heirs would have to sign stating that they agreed to the family member having the water meter service put into his/her name. We would then put the bill into their name and it would then become their responsibility. There will be no service charge for this transaction.
- However, if the bill is in the deceased parent’s name and an unrelated party is living there, we can transfer the bill into their name, at the family member(s)/heir’s written request, and they will have to pay a service charge and deposit.