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Attorney General Opinion Regarding 2021 Winter Weather



In March of this year, the Board of Directors of West Allen Parish Water District requested an opinion from the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office in regards to adjusting high water bills caused by the severe winter freeze that occurred in February.  After watching and waiting patiently, the district finally received the opinion on June 2, 2021.  This opinion states that “Considering the severity of the winter weather experienced during February 2021, the declaration of an emergency by the Governor of Louisiana and by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the intent of the legislature, it is permissible for West Allen Parish Water District to issue reductions or waivers to customers who experienced leaks on the customer’s side of the meter as a direct result of the 2021 severe winter storms”.  

Therefore, the Board of Directors issued a motion which passed at their June 3, 2021 meeting to allow the adjustment of these high water bills with the following parameters:

  • Water usage must have been two times the customers previous 6 month’s average of usage.
  • High bill would have been incurred on the February and March 2021 billings.
  • Customer understands that adjustments will be configured on usage totals.
  • Customer understands that their bill will be adjusted downwardly to the amount of two times their 6 month average water bill. (Example: High water bill $100, Normal Water Bill $50, 2 X $50 = $100 – No adjustment available;    High water bill $100, Normal water bill $27, 2 X $27.00 = $54.00, Adjustment $46.) 
  • Customer signs application for adjustment and turns it into the office on or before July 15, 2021. No extensions past this date will be granted. 
  • Customer understands that refund will be issued by a credit to the account ONLY.

If you had an excessive water bill for the February and/or March 2021 billing cycle, please come by the office to fill out the application to determine if you are eligible for this adjustment.  If you have any questions concerning this notification, please phone our office during business hours at 337-749-2589.